Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I Made a Wiki!! But Do I Know How To Use It?

Hey Y'all!

I uploaded my lesson plan using a wiki. I was disappointed that blogger would not upload the photos that I had in my lesson plan, so I had no other choice but to create a wiki!

Please let me know if you can find my lesson plan! The Wiki version is a lot better than the blogger version because of the visual aids :)

You can locate my lesson plan on the right hand side under recent activity :)



  1. Hi Sabrina - I found the lesson plan attachment on your wiki. I'd like to suggest you edit the wiki pages to put the text right on the wiki. Take a look at becky.editme.com for an example of how I've used a wiki for a couple of projects.

  2. Sabrina - An update. Please take a look at Tonya's wiki (http://tgimbert.wikispaces.com/) for an example of how you might use your wiki
